With the Delta variant sweeping through the US in the summer of 2021, Intel made the decision to cancel the in-person component of its flagship developer event, Innovation. As the program’s lead creative agency for virtual, they asked us to take a look at the existing keynote stage design and offer input on any changes we’d make. Our reply: Well, how would you feel if we just started again?
A key challenge with pivoting to virtual is breaking the in-person mindset. Without an IRL audience, Intel didn’t actually need a stage at all. And because we were now making a film, before we even consider the ‘set’ design, we should start with the script.
CEO Pat Gelsinger wanted the keynote to focus on reconnecting with the developer community, inviting them into Intel’s world to collaborate and participate - to partner.
This was our starting point for the film’s creative direction: an honest, dynamic discussion of all Intel’s news and announcements. Continually moving cameras took the developer community on a journey with Intel; branding became subtle and secondary to break down barriers between brand and audience; the rawness of the environment conveyed an honest, transparent approach.
The Intel team - including Pat himself - loved the concept and we spent the following weeks storyboarding, designing and choreographing the full 90-minute film. What’s more, it was all shot and broadcast fully live, with our team leading the onsite production.